Saturday, October 15, 2011

Goin' Fishin'

I wanted to do something fun with the kids and Jason today, since he didn't have to work.  We originally went to the Coldwater Trout Farm for their kiddie corn maze, but while we were there we met up with some our friends, the Moons.  They were going fishing and the kids wanted to join in.

We started out feeding the fish.  The kids loved to watch the fish gobble up the food and swarm around it.

We had to watch Ian because he would throw handfuls in. =) 

But eventually the kids wanted to fish like everyone else was.  so we went and grabbed some poles.  I was jut going to let them put their poles in the water and try and fish, not expecting to get anything.

Brenna loved sitting next to her "BFF" Adrea (can you tell who is who from behind? )

Ian got some help from Daddy, mainly because we were worried he would end up catching a human instead of a fish because he like to swing the pole around.

Brenna was having lots of fun =)

But lo and behold......Ian caught one!!! (okay, it was mainly Daddy but let's pretend it was Ian)  Actually......they caught 4 fish!  Holy cow!!!  Brenna even caught one (okay, it was Daddy again, but she was helping which was a good thing Dad was there because every time a fish tugged at her pole she dropped it)  She was scared of the fish and would even get near enough to let me take a picture of it.  Oh well.

Aww....they actually got along for a few minutes.....maybe we should try this fishing thing more often.
I lov ethis picture!  I may need to frame it =)

Okay, so I wouldn't classify a fish farm as real fishing, but the kids had a lot of fun and we got to take home 5 what to make with it since the only fish I really like to eat is salmon.

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