Saturday, April 25, 2009

Picks of the cool bikes at Harley weekend.

There were a lot of cool bikes down there All of the casino parking lots were full of motorcycles. If you drove a car you had to park in the dirt or park far away and do a lot of walking. they even tried to charge us $20 to park in the mall when we had to take something back to the store. If I were to take pictures of all the bikes that we saw there wouldn't be a memory card big enough so here are just a few.
This is a trike bike. They might be pretty comfy to ride in the backseat, as long as you don't have anybody too big in the back.

This looked like a suped up lawnmower to me. It has a V8 engine but they put a governor on it so it doesn't go above 20 or something like. Why have an engine that big if you can't go fast? What a waste of a V8.
This motorcycle had a Viper engine on it. I'm sure the owners knew how to utilize that properly.

This was one of the bikes that had a V8 engine. Talk about lots of horsepower! Plus it had a cool paint job.

I think this was another bike that had a V8 engine. They started one of the bikes near this one and boy was it loud.

You can't really see it in this picture but there were skulls in the paint job that looked really cool.

The guys that owned the bike were really nice and let Jason sit on the bike when he was trying to take a picture of it. Most of the people that have bikes don't usually let people sit on them.
Jason was loving it down there and drooling over the bikes. He wants to have a Harley eventually.....but that will be awhile down the road. Keep Dreaming Honey!

1 comment:

Larsens said...

Sweet! We dream of motorcycles too!