Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gingerbread houses

The past few years I've tried to make gingerbread houses with the kids. They are by far, not masterpieces and definitely not suitable for any gingerbread families to inhabit.  But we have fun.  since I am cheap, I won't spend $10 on a kit that makes 1 house and 5 pieces of candy.  So we use graham crackers frosting, and lots of candy.  One day I will actually back some gingerbread and use that....maybe...but until then.....we're happy with what we've got.

Of course, this is what really happens when you build the have to buy twice as much candy because you eat half of it.  Ian was no exception. He was inheaven with 5 different candy choices in front of him.  Can we say sugar rush?!

But eventually he got the drift and started decorating. I built the house and let him decorate.  It kept falling down so I just left it and let him put candy on it =)  He was happy with it and that's all that matters

I helped Brenna a bit with hers, but it was mostly her.  She was getting frustrated that it kept falling down, but eventually we got it so it stayed up....for a few minutes.

She loved putting the candy on and was actually pretty good about not eating it all. 

She was super proud of her cute little house.  She did a good job.  Then, I moved the plate so it wasn't by the edge of teh table ( I was going to let the dog in and I didn't want Sasha to eat it) and........

I guess it wasn't built quite up to earthquake code......

This is defintely going to be another tradition for us.  One day I'll invest in the cookie cutter shaped in the houses so it's easier to do, but that can wait until the kids are a little older and not as obsessed with just eating the candy.....

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